August is just not a great time for new "Beyond the Book Storytimes" posts. We have a long Storytime Break so I don't have much to share. Things start back up in early September. Meanwhile, though, we're looking ahead and planning some future storytimes. We repeat lots of stories from previous just takes too much time to develop three two-person stories every week. But we all love to find new books to try as well. So far we've identified a handful that we'd like to try. Here's a few I'm looking forward to, some for two-person Family Storytime, others for Toddler Time solo, along with some early thoughts about how we might do them. If they make the final cut and we actually do them, I'll report on them with details here eventually:
I'm thinking we have one person either dressed as Bear or with a Bear puppet outside of the puppet stage, then another with puppets behind the stage. At the end Bear disappears behind the stage, then emerges with his hat. And the audience can speculate about Rabbit's fate.
This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen

could be a good two-person puppet show. Goose and Fox down below
interacting, with the chorus of Goslings up above, acting as a sort of
chorus. far I've listed three stories and we've got a Bear
eating a Rabbit, a Big Fish swallowing a Little Fish, and a family of
Geese enjoying Wolf soup. Maybe we could squeeze in a "Death and Dying"
theme in between Getting Dressed and Silly Stories.
This could be an easy one to act out, with one person as Dog and the other person switching to each
of Dog's friends. Lots of chances for action as Dog does various activities either better than, or worse than his friends.
Don't Copy Me by Jonathan Allen
We might act this one out with some child volunteers. Four of five young puffins copy everything the grown-up puffin know, the irritating game anyone with a sibling has done at one time or another. Should be fun.
A nice flap book that could work with a puppet follow-up in Toddler Time. Maybe pulling various puppets out of the bag and having them kiss any toddlers who are willing...
Terri and Sheila did this as an act-out in Family Storytime, but I'm thinking of using puppets for Toddler Time. Possibly me putting on a cowboy hat, then interacting with a cow puppet, and taking getting scared at stuff I see in the bag: like a spider (but it turns out to be a flower), a snake (stick), etc.
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